This review is the first in our brand new microcontroller department here on SweMOD and for our first review we have the opportunity to test out the EasyAVR6 from mikroElektronika.
About mikroElektronika
Our major fields of interest include:
Development tools
Today, mikroElektronika manufactures competitive development systems. We deliver our products across the globe and many satisfied customers guarantee first-rate service. Our company is an official consultant on PIC microcontrollers and third party partner of Microchip company. Also, we are an official consultant and third party partner of Cypress Semiconductors since 2002.
mikroElektronika also manufactures compilers and development environments for popular microcontroller series. We offer C, BASIC, and Pascal compilers for PIC, dsPIC, AVR and 8051 microcontrollers. More compilers for different microcontrollers and architectures are planned in the future.
Magazine on electronics
The "mikroElektronika" magazine introduces and discusses the latest digital and analog hardware, with emphasis on the microcontrollers from Motorola, Atmel, Intel, PIC, industry computer Simatic S7, Omron, Koyo and so on. It also presents new control techniques, such as fuzzy logic, neural networks, and adaptive controls. All articles are accompanied by an implementation example. The magazine has regular columns that inform readers about the latest developments in electronics, new software, websites of interest, and literature reviews.
Book publishing
Some of our titles are "BASIC for PIC microcontrollers", "PIC microcontrollers", "Introduction to industrial PLC controllers", "Radio receivers", "Components of electronic devices", etc. As we care for our customers, we have these works on-line for you to browse and download, absolutely free of charge. If you are interested, check out our books section.
On next page we will dive into the box of the EasyAVR6.